Engineering, Administrative, and Technical Consultancy Services


Engineering, administrative, and technical consultancy services are considered essential services that any organization or project may need to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively. Consultancy provides specialized guidance to institutions and projects in various fields such as engineering, management, and the arts, helping to provide optimal solutions and achieve goals better.

Engineering Consultancy:

Engineering consultancy includes a wide range of specialized services aimed at achieving the engineering goals of projects and institutions. These services include designing projects and facilities, coordinating with contractors and suppliers, and providing consultations in various fields such as civil, mechanical, electrical, electronic, industrial, agricultural engineering, and more.

Administrative Consultancy:

Administrative consultancy aims to improve the performance of institutions, companies, and projects by providing specialized administrative expertise and knowledge in various areas, such as planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating. Administrative consultations are provided to institutions and companies by professional and qualified consultants in this field, and services are tailored to the clients' needs and requirements.

Technical Consultancy:

Technical consultancy provides expertise and knowledge in various artistic fields, such as interior and exterior design, artistic drawings, music, acting, dancing, and more. The aim of these consultations is to achieve the clients' artistic goals, provide support and guidance in all stages of implementation.

Technical consultations are characterized by flexibility, creativity, and innovation, as services are tailored to meet the clients' artistic needs and requirements. These consultations are also characterized by continuous collaboration between consultants and clients to achieve the best results.